Jack Dang's CYVAC Fundraising Group


Fundraise children around the world!

Hello everyone! My name is Jack. I am a high school student from Vancouver. With this opportunity to raise funds for UNICEF through the 2021 Canada International Youth VisualMore...

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Fundraise children around the world!

Hello everyone!

My name is Jack. I am a high school student from Vancouver. With this opportunity to raise funds for UNICEF through the 2021 Canada International Youth Visual Arts Competition, I invite you to join us in making it possible for more children to receive the education they deserve.

CYVAC (www.aoma.ca/cyvac) is an international art competition for young people from 5 to 23 years old. It is also a platform for the public to contribute to the charity. 2021 CYVAC works with UNICEF to help educational programs for the world's most vulnerable children.

The unprecedented pandemic in 2020 has changed all our lives. We are all fortunate to be able to continue working, studying and living. At the same time, we also want to do what we can to help disadvantaged groups, especially children, in countries suffering severe covid-19 outbreaks.

As of March, schools for more than 168 million children had been completely closed for almost a year. At least 1 in 3 schoolchildren were unable to access remote learning while their schools were closed. This means that children have been missing out on their right to education – one of the most powerful tools for breaking the cycle of poverty. Education supports growth, development and well-being; and closes the gap in social inequality. Working in 190 countries and territories, Unicef has the reach to make large-scale impact. Your help makes a big impact, supporting children’s education during and after the pandemic, helping them to continue to learn, thrive and build a brighter future.

UNICEF has been working hard to establish locally matched education networks in many countries during the pandemic to ensure that children can continue to receive high quality local education. This is wonderful!

$21 can provide school supplies like pencils & books for 35 children

$58 can provide backpacks for 11 children

$75 can send one child to school

$278 can provide one School-in-a-Box, to provide education for 40 children

(All of the above figures are taken from official UNICEF data)

We defend the right of every child to have a quality education! 

Kindly reminder: Canadian taxpayers who donate $20 or more will automatically receive a Donation Receipt from UNICEF, which can be used for next year's tax return.

CYVAC+UNICEF, let our art and love unite the world!

– Jack Dang


大家好,我是Jack。我是来自温哥华的一名高中生。借这次 “2021 加拿大国际青少年视觉艺术大赛”为UNICEF筹款的机会,我诚意邀请大家,让我们一起,让更多孩子们能继续接受基础教育。




前不久和UNICEF (联合国国际儿童紧急救助基金会)加拿大总部专员的沟通,了解到基金会在疫情期间,一直努力在很多国家建立与当地匹配的教育网络,坚持让儿童能继续就地接受教育。这太好了!







温馨提醒:捐款$20加币以上的加拿大税民,可以自动获得UNICEF出的Donation Receipt,明年报税会用得到的哦 ^_^

– Jack Dang

For every child.

UNICEF is a non-profit humanitarian organization focusing on saving children’s lives around the globe.

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When you make a gift to UNICEF Canada, you’ll join us in our mission to protect every child’s survival and development. As a valued member of our online community, you will receive occasional email updates about UNICEF’s work for children, emergency response efforts, and how you can help.

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